Thursday, 24 June 2010

Making yogurt and buttermilk (for Jules and Peace)

Making your my yogurt and buttermilk seems to save me quite a bit of money, It's so easy to do and you don't need any special equipment!

Making Yogurt

What you need

1 litre of milk ( full fat or low fat but NOT skim)

1-2 Tablespoons plain yogurt

a saucepan

wooden spoon

Preserving jar (or similar container)

a warm place to cultivate the yogurt

What to do

Put the milk in the saucepan and heat it until it is just boiling , watch it carefully though as it boils over quickly and makes a real mess! When it has cooled to blood temperature (and be careful with this as if it is too hot it will kill off the bacteria and if it is not warm enough it won't be enough for the growth to take place) The way I usually test it is to put my little finger in the milk and if it is a comfortable temperature after ten seconds then that's usually perfect for yogurt.

So when it has cooled take your yogurt and stir it into the milk until it has dissolved. Put it into your jar, wrap it in a blanket and leave in a warm place. I use an Ezi Yo yogurt maker, which you can buy from most thrift shops for a couple of dollars and it makes it so easier, but it's still not essential to make your own.

Leave to cultivate overnight or for 8-10 hours (it may take less time, it just depends)

Don't forget to save a few tablespoons of yogurt to start off the next batch you want to make

Making buttermilk

What you need

1 litre of low or full fat milk (again no skim milk)

1/2 cup buttermilk

Utensils as above

What to do

Exactly as the yogurt, except the cultivation time is longer, usually 12-24 hours.

Happy cultivating!

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