Friday, 24 April 2009

Another short post

How I miss the Internet. I realize I use it so many ways! from Internet banking to checking opening hours at stores to getting new recipes, I have had to resort to a cookbook of all things!!
Hopefully I will be up and running soon, it has been good to get a break though but now all the walls are scrubbed, the freezer stocked and the mending done I miss my evenings of browsing through other mothers inspiring blogs.

I have had a fantastic morning at the gym, afterwards I just felt so happy (probably all those endorphins) but I am a stage now where I feel peace and resolution of sorts. As hard as it is for me to admit this I have had to come to the realization that my husband probably isn't going to come back and although I know in my heart that God can do anything, it's not going to be mentally healthy for me in the long run to spend everyday hoping that he is going to come through that door.

My husband has been so much to me my best friend, my darling and an amazing father to our daughter, in our marriage we barely fought and had so much happiness, and I will be grateful to God forever for the years that I had with him. But now I need to live my life for my daughter and building our lives up again.

Tuesday, 14 April 2009

My computer blew up!

This is just a little post from me, to say I haven't been around lately due to the fact my computer blew up!! I nearly cried.

My Mum is giving me her computer since they never, ever use it so I will be back online on a few days which is great because I have so much to blog on! particularly what God has been doing in my life. His faithfulness and love is so much more than I can even comprehend.

Due to me not having a computer I have been able to get so much done. The freezer is full of pasta sauces and meals made from the produce in the garden, the kitchen is gleaming and the winter vegetable garden is all planted.

Lesson learnt-Perhaps my time on the computer has been a bit excessive lately and God wants me to live my own life rather than constantly reading about others.

Saturday, 4 April 2009

Pizzas and the sound of music

For as long as I have known my Husband we have had 'Pizza and DVD' night on a Saturday. I would wake up on a Saturday morning barely able to contain my excitement because to me there is nothing better than pizza, I love it in all it's carby, fattening glory. And to add a great movie to the mix is just sealing the already fantastic deal.

When I started my healthy eating regime I almost started hyperventilated at the thought of no pizza. How could I endure a whole week without the thought of my fifth best friend, until I sneakily devised a way around it all. I would replace the base with a wholemeal one, I would make my own healthy pizza sauce to go on the bottom, I would add truck loads of vegetables and use Lite Mozzarella,and I would only have half the amount I normally would. Instead of following it with Ice-cream I would instead have a Coke Zero which was not a huge sacrifice anyway because I love Coke Zero so much I could probably do an entire post on it but have been trying to give it up until I found the perfect excuse to have it once a week.

So this afternoon we began making them, and I'm afraid I went a little overboard because we now have six pizzas in the freezer, on the upside that means no cooking on a Saturday for six weeks! I let Aviva choose what she wanted (and I know you are going to think she is indeed a freak of nature) but she wanted lots and lots of eggplant, courgettes and mushrooms, I barely had room for the cheese after she was finished.

So we sat in the lounge (by this stage the neighbours children had joined us, although once they saw what the pizza had been reduced to they couldn't get out of the house fast enough) and watched 'The sound of music' (with compulsory sing -along of course). I love having a daughter, I somehow doubt that a son would have so enthusiastically sung along with me, but you never know.

Here is some pictures of us making pizzas, my daughter took 95% of them from the peeling of the tomato's for the Pizza sauce to the finished product.

Thursday, 2 April 2009

My love of shoes

Today while shopping my daughter said to me "Mummy, I don't like high heels'. This statement alone shocked me into silence, had I taught her nothing? After all I feel only truly at home in a pair of black stilettos (and the higher the better in my opinion). My wardrobe alone is taken over by my many, many shoes. Beautiful bejewelled sandals, cute ballet flats, pairs of boots and of course my beloved stilettos (of which I own at least thirty alone).

I tried so hard to look like a modest and humble woman for a long time, well my version of it anyway. I brought ankle length skirts, high necked tops and flat shoes. My husband hated every moment of it and so it was back to my high heels, liquid eyeliner and hair straightener. Of course I have nothing against women who do dress like that (and I commend them actually) but you know it just wasn't me! Of course I still wear all my skirts at just below knee length and I cover any cleavage but I did learn that fashion is not a sin.

So when my daughter stated this to me I could not believe my ears, after all I almost treat my shoes like close friends to be cherished. Even though it will be many years before she wears them herself I wanted her to develop a love of her own for them.So what could I do? Wash her mouth out? Pretend I hadn't heard? I decided to delve deeper to find out more, when questioned she admitted she thought they looked like they would break when they were walked on. I can tell you now that I gave a huge sight of relief and proceeded to give a brief lecture on the physics of high heels.

The lecture finished we made our way to leave the store when her eyes lit up over a pair of particularly exquisite gold stiletto sandals. I must say I felt a surge of pride as I realised that she certainly is her mothers daughter :).

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