Monday, 16 August 2010

I'm not that girl anymore

A lot of people freaked out when I cut my hair off, they couldn't understand why I had cut my long, dark hair that had taken me so many years so grow.

They just didn't get it.......

And who could blame them really, long hair is a rarity these days in a world of bleached, over processed hair.

However I am not the same girl I once was and I know this in my heart and had to make it visual so that everytime I looked in the mirror I would remember that I wasn't that girl anymore.

The one who lived more for mens approval than for Christ's approval, the one who was never excited about life and lived in dread of being alone forever. The one who stayed inside hidden in books or the internet instead of truly living life.

The sad, sad girl who never accepted herself for her she was and continually thought that only is she was thinner, smarter or a harder worker than she would be accepted by all.

I know now I don't need to be accepted by the world, I only need to be accepted by God. God made me the way I am and he loves for for it. This is who I am and this is who God loves! I am his daughter and I am me!!!

1 comment:

java girl said...


I understand :O) And I think your hair is just darling. And you look like there is some living going on in your part of the world!! Good healthy, Godly, BALANCED, LIViNG!!

Have a wonderful day....

(and on two other comments... I'm running behind in my blogging. We have company in town and work is crazy busy...I've heard of the Pearls before. I think cutting back on TV is really important. I watch more movies than TV but I've watched a whole lot'a movies in the past year. The cute back is going to be a good thing!

AND I'm really so glad my dad was there too. I think I might have been able to change the tire, but I don't know how SAFE any of it would have been, and I'm sure I would have cried and maybe screamed in frustration. But Glory be to GOD my daddy was there and I didn't have to have any of those moments!)

Girl!! Be Blessed :O)

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