Tuesday, 31 March 2009

Finding Joy

I have a feeling my blog is getting just a little depressing, my intention was always to keep things 'real' but I didn't want to bring other people down in the process. It is a hard balance to keep by showing things as they really are but staying positive at the same time.

At church a few people told me they think I'm amazing, and that they wouldn't be able to hold up like I am. Appearances can be so deceiving, on the outside I look bubbly, happy and strong. This blog is one of my only outlets to show how I really feel, I put on a very good mask to everyone in the 'real world'. The mask consists of immaculate hair, clothes and make-up and alot of jokes to cover the way I am really feeling, because if someone is wearing lipstick and stilettos then they can't be that depressed can they?

In saying of all of this I have decided to focus on the positive things happening in my life, and there are actually many of them.

My weight loss is going fantastically, over the last few weeks I have started doing at least one form of exercise every day this changes from cycling, to walking to dancing but every single day I make sure I do something. I have cut out all snacking and I have to say I really think they were just a habit as I don't miss them at all. In my case it was one biscuit turning into 6 or 7 or one piece of cheese turning into four. I feel so great as well, I have so much energy that just lasts and lasts. If you have never been overweight you don't know how much of a prison of your own making it can be. It restricts you from doing so much and when you start to break free from that prison you feel amazing.

With the excess time I have I have been slowly spring cleaning the house, I will have to post before and after pictures because the transformation is fantastic. I have been cleaning out all the closets and cupboards and getting rid of so much clutter, my next goal is to start on organizing all our craft supplies which feels a little daunting to say the least but will make a huge difference in the long run.

As well as everything else I have managed to save a little money which is something I couldn't seem to manage even when my husband was here! It will really come in handy when the car goes in for it's warrant of fitness.

I know these things will seem so small to some people but for me they are huge milestones. Well maybe not the cleaning but the others. When satan tries to steal our joy we always have the right to refuse. I was listening to a 'Shackles' yesterday and the lyrics just stood out to me like a beacon "As I lift my hands, I understand that I should praise you through my circumstances".

We can find happiness, even in the worst of circumstances if we only just look for it.

1 comment:

java girl said...


I enjoyed your happy post very much :O) Let me tell you that I know about the "mask" first hand! I have always been the expert at doing that. Though now I've gotten to the point where I am more open about my life and much more "real".

I went for a walk last night and it was so nice! I've been sick and I need to start taking better care of myself. Though mine is not a weight issue, it is a health issue. I need to burn stress! I have it (stress) and if I do not burn it, it burns me. (example me being sick for two and a half weeks from a migraine).

I reorganized my craft stuff a few weeks ago and it was fun because it inspired me to work on a few of my many projects!! I'm behind, as always!! But will be right on target very soon!

God bless you and your little girl!!

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