Wednesday, 18 March 2009

Starting again

Starting again all seems so hard and scary really, while I am not giving up hope that my husband will return one day (even though he is adamant he never will) I need to accept that it will be in God's time and not my own.I am very glad that in my country they wont even think about letting you get a divorce until you have been separated for two years.

I have to say that one of my worst fears is putting my daughter into public education and I pray that for as long as I can I will be able to continue to home school her. However I also need to start thinking about finances and so with that in mind I have decided to finish my social work degree which I can do extramurally (at home) while continuing to home school my daughter. And by the time I have finished then hopefully either my husband will have returned or I will be able to afford to send my daughter to a tiny, wonderful independent Christian school close by while I work.

My other big goal is to lose weight and get in shape. Over the last few years I have gained too much weight and am very unfit! I struggle really to walk up hills and for a 25 year old that really is quite unacceptable. Last year I was beginning training to do a marathon but when I got sick and spent all that time in hospital it just went by the wayside, it is scary how fast my fitness has declined and how quickly the weight piled on. Because I lost lots of blood with my miscarriage I need to take it easy to begin with, but I am hoping that before long I'll be running up those hills again!

It has also come to my attention how much simple carbohydrates I have been eating :( And while I am not embarking on some super strict diet I will be cutting out all the whites (white bread, white rice etc) and cutting way, way back on the sugar and saturated fats (shouldn't be too hard for a vegetarian except I LOVE cheese). I am reading a book on Super foods at the moment and am very impressed with how little changes like adding a few tablespoons of wheatgerm and ground flax seeds to your oatmeal can make a huge difference.

And while the thought of not being Mrs Bonnie K...... any longer still makes me feel sick I no longer feel like like I'm absolutely drowning in grief with no way out. I see a light at the end of the tunnel and even though it is dim and far away I still know that it's there.


java girl said...

Hello Dear Bonnie!!

What a wonderful post from you! I am so happy that you see the light at the end of the tunnel. Isn't it wonderful :O)

I will be praying for you a way to continue homeschooling. My heart breaks when I think of you not getting to continue being at home with your daughter. BUT God can move mountains :O)

I wanted to tell you that I rented Fireproof about two weeks ago! Your post about that movie encouraged me to go out and rent it for my mom and dad and I to watch. Everyone was so worried that I wouldn't be able to handle it ;o) It was a GREAT movie!! I loved how the showed relationships in general, not only how the marriage changed but also how the relationship between son and mom and dad changed :O) It was just wonderful. Thankyou for encouraging me enough to watch it!

How interesting that your country doesn't allow divorces until after a two year waiting period. I've never heard of that before, I like that. What a wonderful time frame for two people to work out their pains and frustrations!!

Well now that I've posted a comment novel ;O) have a wonderful weekend.

Many Smiles...

PS Your picture of you and your little girl is darling!!

Bonnie said...

Isn't it a great movie? I love that it shows that God can not only heal any marriage but he can heal any relationship/situation no matter how hopeless we think it is.

java girl said...


I wanted you to know how much I enjoy your blog and the honesty that you blog with!! I've given you an award!! Stop by and pick it up... It's a fun one :O)

PS I think I'm going to have to by Fireproof... my mom and I can't stop talking about it!!

PSS there is another good movie that is coming out, or it might all ready be out over in your homeland. "Faith Like a Potato" I saw a preview for it, looks good!!

Jules said...

Hi, I found you from SimpleBeauty's blog and just wanted to say how sad I am for your loss. BTW, I'm in NZ too! Jules

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