Tuesday, 24 February 2009

Shrove Tuesday

We had a wonderful night tonight attending Shrove Tuesday at our church.

Shrove Tuesday is the last day before Lent and is traditionally when people would want to use up their eggs, butter and milk. I don't know many people these days who would give up these 'necessities' ;)

At our church we had an indoor picnic followed by pancake races (lots of fun) and then eating pancakes for dessert. I didn't have any because they smell made me queasy however it was so much fun! I wish I had remembered my camera because the pancake races were certainly very memorable :)

It was also good for me to go and put some make-up and a nice dress on. I guess lately I have been letting my circumstances rob me of any joy I had. However although pain is inevitable, misery is a choice. And I can choose to lie on the couch and feel sorry for myself or I can choose to be joyful. I'm not saying that It will be easy (at all) but in the end no matter what happens If I still can have a cheerful heart then it will be witness to others that Jesus truly does reside in my heart.

So I will choose joy, although I may not always feel like it I will continue to sing songs of praise for the Lord, keep a smile on my face and know inside myself that if I have God then I have everything.

I keep reminding myself that a rainbow often appears after a heavy storm!

1 comment:

java girl said...

Hello Bonnie K!

I hope you are having a nice restful day! I want you to know that we have been praying for you here in Kansas!

I love the fact that your church had a pancake race. When I was a little girl the town I lived in had a pancake race every year! I was little so I thought the fact that they were funning with a frying pan was GREAT!!!

Doesn't getting out of the house in a nice outfit and makeup on ones face make your spirits lift just a little bit. Now when I'm having one of those, "is this ever going to end..." kind of days I love to add a cup of java to the mix. The smell of coffee in a coffee shop makes me feel right at home!

God Bless you and your little girl and sweet bundle this day!

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