Sunday, 8 February 2009

Dresses and skirts

I have always loved skirts and loathed pants. I can't ever remember a period of time in my life where I have preferred pants and since I was about 16 I have only worn pants when I have been exercising. It was never a modesty or biblical decision since I have only been a christian for four years, instead I wore them because I always felt more feminine in them. What a surprise it was to me then when my daughter aged about four began to refuse to wear skirts or dresses and so I let her wear what she wanted (which were 3/4 length shorts) except for Church where I was adamant she would wear a skirt or a dress.

I don't feel beautiful waking up in the morning and putting on a pair of jeans but a dress or skirt and blouse is another matter. So a few months ago I decided to talk my daughter into wearing long dresses or skirts for just a few days a week to see if there would be any change in her demeanour. In just a few short days it became obvious that there certainly was! In a long skirt or dress she is more softly spoken, she is more graceful and sweet and most of all she is more inclined to partake in activities of a feminine nature (e.g knitting and sewing). She has received so many compliments from people exclaiming what a lovely young girl she has which has only boosted her self esteem and made her feel more lovely too. It has been many months since she has wanted to wear a pair of shorts.

I have heard time after time that girls cannot 'properly' partake in outdoor activities in a long skirt so I think I would have proved them wrong yesterday when Aviva and I dug a large part of the garden over. In fact I never had to worry about bending over and having my underwear shop at my waistband because as a whole that is not an issue with dresses and I find skirts sit higher than pants. I have also heard the argument that loose pants are as modest as dresses and skirts and OK but do they make you feel as feminine? My daughter and I both get up and put on a dress and then put a ribbon to match in our hair. I know then that we are ready to go anywhere-from a morning at home, to the library or even a church meeting.

The best-dressed woman is one whose clothes wouldn't look too strange in the country. ~Hardy Amies

1 comment:

java girl said...

I LOVE SKIRTS TOO!! Though I admit that I need to work on learning to sew, so I can sew some new ones!! My goal this summer is to wear skirts as much of the time as possible. I also need to sew some for my darling little girl! At the age of two she is active and a very busy little bee! Right now she doesn't know the difference, but since it has been winter here in Kansas USA we have both been wearing pants/jeans the majority of the time!! I'm so glad I read this post because it reminded me that I have a skirt I need to finish sewing hanging on the back of my bedroom door :O)

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