Tuesday, 6 January 2009

Planning a garden

After spending hours wondering just where to fit all our vegetables and herbs I have decided to dig up a part of our front garden. Now this area is just filled with agapanthus which are just horrible plants and nearly impossible to get rid of, unless you are as determined as I am. I know it will take weeks of digging but it will be worth it. I plan to grow all kinds of herbs, flowers and various types of lettuce. I think this really is going to be an ongoing project but one I am very excited about.

I ordered the seeds today for our winter garden and I am hoping that it will more successful than last year. The winter garden last year was not exactly fruitful! The broccoli died, the silver beet and cabbage bolted almost straight away and I at times almost wanted to give up. I know though over the last year I have greatly improved the soil condition so I'm hoping that will help considerably.

I cannot believe the prices people pay at the supermarket for produce, Last year when lettuces were five dollars I was shocked at how many people gladly paid that!. I worked out that from our garden alone we save about a minimum of $1,300 every year. Over a ten year span that's 13,000! I get very excited when I read about community gardening plots especially when they are developed in low socioeconomic communities, many preventable diseases like cellulitis occur because the body is lacking in vitamins and minerals and for these children who are prone to them just a few serves of fruit or vegetables per day can change that. I often think people are more likely to eat something if they have put the work to grow it themselves. Which also reminds me about a documentary a friend told me of the other day in which children in the UK didn't know that a chip came from a potato! I could do a whole other post on how much that shocks me.

It is another beautiful balmy day here. The washing blows gently on the line, Aviva lies under the Macracapa tree reading her bible and I plan to start sewing an apron for a very dear friend of mine. I love these summer days that roll slowly on.

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