Friday, 7 November 2008

What to do when you don't feel like homeschooling

I had a slight accident on Wednesday night which ultimately led to me being concussed and taken to hospital by a wailing ambulance. I am the sort of person who doesn't accept being sick well until I am sternly told by my loving husband to go and rest.

And so today I am still quite sore and cannot deal with having limitless patience whilst describing what a verb is for the umpteenth time, but still feel too guilty to just put on a DVD even if it is educational. This is not the first time I have felt too sick to have a homeschooling day-I remember a few months ago when I got a bad chest infection and Aviva and I spent lovely days in bed talking about God, marriage, hope and her future. I would not trade those days for anything as her spiritual growth is far more important to me than anything else.

Other ideas I have come to love are spreading out some cheap shower curtains across the dining table or floor and setting up craft stations, it is amazing what she can produce given limitless time and abundant resources. Today I will set up things for a paper mache project, put out crosswords, coloring books and possibly some cross stitch projects Aviva is currently working on.

This afternoon I expect we will do some baking, have some devotional and worship time and then curl up on the couch and read our chapter books. Aviva is currently reading 'The Secret Garden' by Frances Hodgson Burnett and I am re reading 'Created to be his help meet' by Debi Pearl which for me is such a source of inspiration. If I could pick one book that would have changed my life forever (apart from the bible :) ) then this would be it!

I have a million reasons for homeschooling but when I am sick this just reminds me of one of the most important ones, having that close, unbreakable bond with my daughter. I am so sure that if I had a 'career' then by the time I got home at six o clock I would be just to tired to have long conversations about God and life, I would be racing against the clock to get her fed and bathed and in bed. How many questions about God and hopes and fears would go unanswered? Only to be answered a few years later by other teenagers who very possibly will know nothing of God.
"Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it."
Proverbs 22:6

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