Monday, 17 November 2008

Being thankful

Last week was not really one of my better ones, I spent a part of it in horrible pain at home and the rest of it in Hospital where I had even more pain and a bad reaction to one of the pain killers they gave me. Today I am trying very slowly to catch up on the housework, since it has really gone by the wayside and catching up on Aviva's schooling since that as well has taken a backseat.

It was in the days that I was home that I was so grateful that I had taken the time to train Aviva with basic housework skills. The house was nowhere near looking spotless but the clothes were folded, the bathroom clean and dishes put away thanks to my darling daughter. At night my husband washed the dishes and did the vacuuming and I was sent off to rest. It was at that point where it becoming glaringly obvious that it is a very good idea to have at least a weeks worth of dinners, baked bread and general baking in the freezer (if you have the room of course). When you are sick it is not the time to be eating takeaways or any type of instant food. I will be planning further ways to economize so that we can buy a chest freezer (second hand of course!). Hopefully in the next six months or so purchasing one will be an option. I see this as invaluable for storing much of the gardens surplus and having frozen dinners ready for whenever the need arises.

Some things we are planning for home school this week are just general catching up plus some extra on our native bird project. I would also like to make some Thanksgiving cards, even though we don't celebrate Thanksgiving in New-Zealand I think it is important it to tell people that we are thankful for them and our influence in our lives. It has been somewhat of a difficult year for us with a drastically reduced income however God has been so good to us! No matter how hard the circumstances he has been continually provided for us. On weeks we thought we would be unable to pay either the rent or buy food he has supplied both! I think it is so important to be thankful for every thing God has provided for us. Without our faith and assurance in God to get by the worst of times I honestly don't know where we would be!

Oh give thanks to the Lord; call upon his name;make known his deeds among the peoples!Sing to him, sing praises to him;tell of all his wondrous works!
Psalm 105 1-2

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