Wednesday, 29 July 2009

No more excuses for me!

My coffee date has now turned into a romantic day with me, my husband and the tax man!! They think we (I) owe them thousands of dollars which I certainly do not so it will be an interesting day with Inland Revenue definitely being the third wheel!

Pharez- I will be writing some long posts this weekend and will be adding lots of photos of my weight loss. I was looking at my wedding photos the other day and couldn't believe how much fat had melted off my face.

My babysitter for the gym can no longer take care of Aviva, so I rang the gym and asked (begged) if I could bring her along with me and let her do an hour of reading and school work in one of the small rooms that are not used in off peak hours (this is a tiny gym) so they did more than that, they set one of with a table and chair and toys and books. And they bring her all kinds of things whilst I'm working out (I can view that room from the treadmill) . I have no excuses now! I am in my first 10 km (6-7 mile) run/walk next month but I have a feeling I will be mostly walking :)

I'm sorry if I don't reply or write back all the time it's just that I usually only have 20 minutes on the computer. But it looks like next month I will be back online at home! (you have no idea how literally ecstatic I am at that fact)

1 comment:

java girl said...

Fret not about responding :O) It is nice to send you kind words that we know you will read in time! I love that your little gym was so child friendly! What an amazing blessing... And I will stay somewhat on the edge of my sofa awaiting the posts about your weekend!! Should I go ahead and make a pot of coffee and pop popcorn?? You know I'm always up for a good story, no matter what the ending holds!

God bless you Bonnie!

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