Friday, 18 June 2010

Happier times

Some of these moments above were the happiest in my life. And for a long time I wouldn't have been able to look at these photos without bursting into tears or feeling a huge amount of bitterness or regret.
And now...... I look back and am grateful for the time I had with my then husband. "Why?" people have asked me in a shocked tone.
Because since the age of sixteen (when I very foolishly moved in with my first boyfriend) I have always been in a relationship or wishing ferevently that I was. I was never OK just being alone, my only goals in life were to be a wife and mother and if that didn't happen, well then life wasn't worth living. I would forever be a failure, alone with my fifty cats and TV dinners.
I have spent my whole life trying to be someone elses idea of perfect that along the way I have forgot how to be myself.
When my Husband left me (all three times) it hurt more than anything else I have ever experienced. Worse than my sister commiting suicide, worse than my miscarriage, worse even than the time I was raped (sorry if this offends anyone but I'm just trying to be truthful).
But eventually I learned about aspects of myself that wouldn't have happened if he had never left me.
I turned all my pain into passion. In all of it I became the women who I had always dreamed of being but never felt I could.
Yesterday my daughter and I were in an unground carpark and this song came on that we both loved so we started dancing to it, right there in front of everyone. That wouldn't have happened even a year ago because a.) I would have cared too much what people think and b.) good christian women don't draw attention to themselves.
I feel so full of joy, that rarely anything brings me down anymore. I guess mainly because I feel like I don't need anyone to define me anymore (except Jesus of course).
If God chooses to bring me another Husband and children well then that's great. But if he doesn't? Even then what an awesome life i'll lead, I'll be thirty five when Aviva is eighteen and years of travel and adventures will still lie before me.
This is going to be the last post I will do on my husband or my marriage because from now on I want to look forward and not behind.
Because I have had a few comments from people before on how I should wait for my husband no matter how long it takes I do want to say this.
I worked really, really hard on my marriage and I did not let it go without a fight. I tried very hard to be the wife my husband wanted but no matter what I did it was never, ever good enough. Eventually I had to let him go, it was destroying my mental health and that of my daughter but it wasn't easy and I didn't do it without a lot of prayer. And also in case this sounds bitter towards my husband, he tried his hardest to love me but in the end just didn't have the emotional capacity to be a husband to me or a father to my daughter.
My circumstances may not look that fantastic on the outside but truly I have never been happier.
Again I am sorry that there are no spaces between paragraphs but blogger wont let me (yet again)


java girl said...


You are such a kindred spirit. I will say that in regards to I've now been known to sing and dance anywhere at a given moment if my girl wants to to. And sometimes, if I truly want to ..ahem..."BUST A MOVE"... I say lets dance!

I pray God's best for you in this time of continued healing.

I so understand what you mean about not caring what people think anymore and finding peace in the where you are at in life.

God truly will use what the devil intends to destroy us, into amazing GOOD. And Bonnie I know you tried hard. I often wonder if other people understand what it is like to be the spouse left standing.

God bless you Bonnie!! Have a wonderful weekend. Oh and by the way when we had lots of snow this winter I was soaking up stories from New Zeland so that I didn't think I would freeze off the face of the earth!

Oh and one more thing. I loved the eye make up in the other post.

Bye for now!

Bonnie said...

Thank-you Ashley, I really wished we lived closer to each other. I don't really have any friends in the same situation as me and it's really hard. Plus next year I have to go back to work and I wish I just had a group of girlfriends at times, so many of my friends have moved overseas.

I'm praying for you too! I'm really glad you were able to move home and whilst it must be hard for you at times it's great to have that companionship and support. I really hope your Boaz is just around the corner (with a tucked in shirt :)

Anonymous said...

I saw your comment on Feminity Revisited and felt compelled to come to your blog and pray for you.

I also had my first husband leave me, with a 2 year old daughter, and after 8 years together. Your story struck a chord with me. I still remember that time. . . .

May God bless you - and keep believing that He will turn your mourning into dancing - Hallelujah! Be encouraged!

Keep your eyes on the Father, keep living to please Him, and He will bless you with the joy and contentment to be a blessing to others, even in your brokenness. He will heal and restore what the locust has taken and your life will be a testimony to His grace.

There is more to my story that I could share, but I felt led tpday to encourage you to listen only to God and what He is telling you to do. Rest in the knowledge that He loves you. . . and has an beautiful plan for your life, there are roses among the thorny places.

Jeremiah 29:11!

With prayer,


Bonnie said...

Thank-you Gina, I just saw your message now. It was VERY helpful! God bless you and thank you once more!

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