Friday, 11 September 2009

Spring is here!

It feels like it has been winter for a long, long time, both literally and figuratively. The long, dark days of winter seemed to drag on forever but now finally it is spring and what a beautiful spring it is!! The tulips and daffodils are filling the bark garden, the air smells like fresh grass and blossoms and the days are getting longer meaning the children can laugh and play in the garden for much longer whilst I watch them from the huge bay window in front of my sewing table.

I have rows of washing on the line and I am so grateful to sleep on sheets that smell of sunshine and fresh air and then in then in the afternoon they shade us as we sit on the lawn and have our afternoon tea, which is lemonade made from my lemon tree and fresh date scones. Instead of being in the house all day we can go on long walks in the forest around our house or along kilometres of deserted beach, looking in rock pools and breathing in the salty air.I have started to sew gorgeous summer cotton dresses which I brought from fabric very cheap last Autumn, I can't wait until Aviva gets to wear them on picnics or summer days spent outside.

I have changed my room around now as well and gone are the heavy blankets of winter to be replaced by beautiful white vintage linen and white cotton curtains which make my whole room seem bigger and airy, I so enjoy the evenings spent in there just embroidering and listening to hymns or writing in my journal.Life has become so peaceful and I am slowly getting used to being a single mother in many ways, I have been asked out on dates by lovely men and it really is tempting but I know that in my heart I'm just not ready for that.

And more exciting is the news that I really am getting a computer (you can't see this but I'm doing a little dance at the news). I miss so many peoples blogs!! I don't think these women know how truly inspirational they are. I can't wait to catch up! :)

1 comment:

Jules said...

I share your excitement in the change of seasons! We are enjoying a lovely spring. It's been so warm lately and the outdoors just calling my name.

It's great about the computer. Looking forward to more posts.

Blessings, Jules

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