Wednesday, 11 March 2009

No words to express

This will just be a short post because really I just can't find the words to express how I feel.

I have had some slight bleeding over the last few days and I wasn't really concerned as I had no cramping at all. I rang my midwife two days ago and she organised for a scan yesterday which I went to thinking nothing would be wrong. However the sonographer could find no heartbeart and told me he was 99% sure that I would go on to have a miscarriage that night, and as it turns out he was right.

Because It was slightly later than normal my midwife told me it would be best for me to go and get a dilatation and curratage which I am still praying I will not have to undergo.

It is so hard for me to understand how I could lose my husband and baby all in one month. But I know Jesus is here holding my hand and no matter how hard it gets he will never, ever let go.


Heidi said...

Oh, Bonnie,
I just read your comment on my Habakkuk 3 blog and came over here. I am so so sorry about your baby. (and your husband? I will have to read further into your blog.) I am praying that God will give you peace and great joy, even if it's a while in coming. For what it's worth, my 11 weeks miscarriage did not require a D and C. We did end up going into the hospital because I was bleeding too much and the Dr. massaged my uterus much harder than I would have done myself, which was what was needed. They offered the D and C as well as the medication that is supposed to "make sure all the tissue is passed" (what an awful way of putting things!) but we refused both for moral reasons. I am thankful that "Little One" is giving you some comfort. God is good - ALL the time.
with love and hugs,
- Heidi

java girl said...

Dear Bonnie,

I am so very sorry that you lost your darling baby. I do no know how you feel and really do not know what I could ever say that would make you feel better. But please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. I am so sorry. I will pray for your peace and recovery.

blessings to you

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