Tuesday, 30 December 2008

Making a mess

I am always astounded by the amount of mothers who will not teach their children to cook because they are worried about the mess. They know that it is an important skill but at the same time they can't be bothered cleaning it up afterwards. When I ask them why not get the children to help tidy up they often reply "It's faster to do it myself". We are now approaching a generation of girls who cannot cook, sew or clean properly. I know all this because my sisters and I were those girls.

My daughter loves nothing more to cook and bake. She can make the perfect loaf of bread, many salads and if watched carefully is developing a real talent for cookies and muffins.Yesterday in a bid to use of some of the excess courgettes we decided to make cheese and courgette scones. Aviva made them while I just watched and offered advice.

Aviva rolling out the scone dough

Cheese and courgette scones

Cooking and cleaning are never a drudgery for me. I truly love being in the warm kitchen in my apron singing and kneading out bread or hanging out the washing on a beautiful morning. And usually wherever I go so does Aviva. Whilst I hang the washing she feeds the rabbit when I fold the washing so does she. I pray I am cultivating a love and being at home because really there is no place in the world I would rather be. When you develop a joyful heart for your home your daughters are always watching and listening. Let them see and hear an attitude of love for your home.

A happy heart makes the face cheerful, but heartache crushes the spirit.

Proverbs 15:13

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