As I have said before I am reasonably new to gardening, only having taken it up about 10 months ago and only really getting serious about learning more about it in August. You don't need to have much to make a start, just a patch of earth,some seeds, a bag each of compost and manure and a shovel and fork (which I brought for $2 each at a thrift shop) Other things you may accumulate later but for starters that is all you truly need.
Yesterday I spent at least an hour and a half pulling out weeds,I thought about posting before and after photos but am too embarrassed about the state I let the garden get into the first place! When my husband got home he dug over the patch where all the silver beet had been and now it is all ready to put my 20 tomato plants in!
It has been an interesting journey and I feel I have some very simple lessons to share
1.) I had read many,many times about how you can grow potatoes in big plastic tubs, cardboard boxes wrapped in plastic, or even heavy duty plastic bags. This is a mistake, you end up with rotten potatoes and foul smelling soil as it cannot drain. Go for perforated containers if unable to grow them in the soil.
2.)Planting flowers in your vegetable patch is a very good idea, it draws bees to the plants which need to be cross pollinated. This year I planted marigolds (naughty Marietta) and they are gorgeous and draw lots of bees straight to my courgettes right where I want them.
3.)Do a little each day! It is so much easier to grab a few handfuls of weeds each day than just leaving it and being forced to spend hours slaving over the garden in the hot sun. Much, much easier!
4.)Have a patch set aside for your child/children. Let them select and grow what they want, choose vegetables which do not take a long time to grow. If started early hopefully the passion for growing will last them a lifetime.
5.) Cut those laterals off your tomatoes! They will fruit so much more.
6.) Don't grow things you will not eat! Sounds very obvious, except for the fact that I was left with around 10 bunches of silver beet at once and although I possibly could of steamed and frozen them, I came to the realization I didn't want to.
It is another beautiful day here today, I was looking forward to taking Aviva to various social homeschooling activities but she has come down with a fever and just wants to sleep. This though is a good chance to catch up all the housework and baking that needs to be done.