Since I've written, hope everyone has been having a wonderful Easter. When I sit back and truly think of it my eyes fill with tears because I can't imagine how someone as perfect as Jesus gave up his life and suffered immensely for someone like me. I also love to contemplate the Apostles joy to see their saviour risen again. How lucky I am to know our Lord
I have had so much to write on lately however the reason I haven't written has been that my Mum became very ill and for a while I honestly thought she was going to die. My life was suddenly filled with long days at the hospital and taking care of her house as well as my own since I am her only child who is at home during the day.
Also I then developed a very bad kidney infection which would just not heal, I am still spending most of the day resting and trying not to stress myself at all so I can recover hence the short post. However don't feel sorry for me!! this has been an amazing time for me where I have begun to sense Jesus presence in my life in a way that I haven't before. Hope to write more soon!
God is good all the time
All the time God is good